Prof. Robert Eason
Time: 10:00 am, March 2, 2012
Place: 物理楼1楼学术报告厅(111室)
Abstract: The Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) is one of the world’s leading institutes for photonics research based at the University of Southampton. Formed in 1989 as an Interdisciplinary Research Centre, the ORC merges groups from Electronics and Computer Science, and Physics and Astronomy at the University. The ORC has a vibrant community of researchers, led by some of the leading figures in the field of photonics. It has contributed significantly to the remarkable growth of the photonics industry, including the optical telecommunication technology that underpins the internet as well as many solutions in medicine, bio‐sensing, security and manufacturing. The ORC has very strong links with local, national and international industries, and collaborate with many university groups around the world as well as other schools within the University of Southampton. Staffs from the ORC are encouraged to pursue industrial links, the ORC is not only one of the leading research centres in this area, working with the Research and Innovation Services department at the University, but also very successful in academic aspect, with around 200 publications per year, 25 Invited or Plenary talks, and a spectacular history of innovation. Its mission is to make a positive difference to the world around us, to drive the basic science, technology and innovation to enable future revolutions.
Biography of the speaker:
Professor Robert Eason is a deputy head of school in the ORC, and Director of the new M.Sc in Photonic Technologies. His research interests span optical and nonlinear optical materials, laser-material interactions, the growth and characterisation of optical thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, (PLD), optical waveguides and femtosecond laser technology and applications, particularly in the area of direct laser printing. He has been in the ORC since 1989, and was appointed as a Professor of Optoelectronics in 1999. He is a member of the ORC Management Board, the Faculty Graduate Board and is responsible for the operations side of the ORC. Professor Eason has a high productivity in research and has also been actively involved on the teaching side for the past 25 years. He has a high level of visibility both nationally and internationally. He has served on many national and international committees (CLEO, CLEO-Europe, EPSRC Physics College, IOP, EU programmes) and publishes extensively in optical, materials and laser journals. To date he has more than 200 journal and 250 conference publications. In 1999 Professor Eason received the Royal Society Millennium Award, for the Public Understanding of Science. In this talk, he will present both his own research work, and also a summary of research highlights from the ORC which cover optical materials, novel optical fibre technology, planar optical technologies, high power and short-pulse laser development and applications. He will also explain about opportunities to work and study within the ORC at postgraduate level.